17 February 2022

Prof. Dr. Raffaella Buonsanti

“A sustainable society will need scientists to develop ways to produce and store renewable energy and to safeguard clean air. We use tiny particles (nanoparticles) and their unique properties to simulate plants, which store energy into chemical bonds. For example, we are learning how to convert waste CO2 into useful compounds using the energy from the sun in the form of light and electricity.

 - Gold nanoparticles coated with a polymer seen through an electron microscope. EPFL Sion, December 2019 - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -
 - Dr. Raffaella Buonsanti, 38, develops the chemistry to synthesize atomically precise nanoparticles which can convert small molecules, like CO2, using applied current or solar light. EPFL Sion, December 2019 - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -
 - One sample of quantum dots irradiated by artificial sunlight to reduce CO2. EPFL Sion, December 2019 - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -
 - Dr Gian Luca De Gregorio, 38, discusses the set up where copper nanoparticles are used to electroreduce CO2 EPFL Sion, December 2019 - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -
 - In the common mind, vapor clouds of chimneys represent CO2. Near Bex, December 2019 - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -
 - A reaction flask where the copper nanoparticles are carefully prepared using solution chemistry. EPFL Sion, December 2019 - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -
 - A pair of inflated gloves of a typical chemist workbench. EPFL Sion, December 2019. - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -
 - Colloidal quantum dots irradiated with a UV light. Different sized quantum dots emit different color light due to quantum confinement. EPFL Sion, December 2019 - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -
 - The lab bench windows are often used as a whiteboard for scientists to take their notes EPFL Sion, January 2020. - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -
 - Yannick Guntern, 28, 3rd year PhD manipulates the electron microscope to capture images of gold particles. EPFL Sion, December 2019. - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -
 - The primary focusing screen of an electron microscope. The machine can magnify up to atomic sizes. EPFL Sion, December 2019. - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -
View of Sion seen from the lab. EPFL Sion, December 2019. - View of Sion seen from the lab. EPFL Sion, December 2019. - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Sion - Canton de Valais - Suisse -