17 February 2022

Prof. Dr. Silja Häusermann

“Structural economic change and fiscal austerity raise challenges to modern welfare states. Whose demands are to be prioritized when not all needs can be covered? My team studies distributive political conflict in West European welfare states. Only by understanding the determinants of priorities can we build democratic support for solidaristic reforms.

 - The former MFO/ABB foundry complex - as seen here from Prof. Häusermann's office - has been re-affected and renovated. It now houses various companies and event spaces. Uni Zürich, December 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Prof. Dr. Silja Häusermann, 43, studies how welfare states adapt to a changing post-industrial labor market. Uni Zürich, January 2020. - Copyright © BM PHOTOS Stephanie Borcard & Nicolas Metraux - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
A work sheet in Silja Häusermann’s office Uni Zürich, December 2019. - A work sheet in Silja Häusermann’s office Uni Zürich, December 2019. - Copyright © BM PHOTOS Stephanie Borcard & Nicolas Metraux - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - The facade of the design and art school in the ex-Viscosuisse-areal, which is now a trendy startup businesses hub. The once powerful Viscose factory has massively reduced production capacity of industrial textiles since the 1990s. Silja Häusermann’s father has worked as a chemist for the company for almost 40 years. Viscostadt, Luzern, deccember 2019. - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
Inside Silja Häusermann’s office. Uni Zürich, December 2019. - Inside Silja Häusermann’s office. Uni Zürich, December 2019. - Copyright © BM PHOTOS Stephanie Borcard & Nicolas Metraux - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - So far, the Swiss welfare system has been gradually adapting to changing labor markets. Political polarization, however, makes reforms increasingly difficult. When will this yellow pouch be opened? December 2019. - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - The hand of a 79 years old worker. He represents the typical case of worker of the 50ties. Welfare systems around European countries are still struggling with adapting to new ways of working such as, home office, multiple jobs, freelancers, etc... How can they precisely track and tax this new and independent workforce? January 2020. - Copyright © BM PHOTOS Stephanie Borcard & Nicolas Metraux - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Well ordered documents in Silja Häusermann’s office. Uni Zürich, December 2019. - Copyright © BM PHOTOS Stephanie Borcard & Nicolas Metraux - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Inside the LINK call center. Silja Häusermann’s research uses public opinion surveys to understand citizens' preferences and priorities. A typical question might be: « Would you find it acceptable for the government to slightly lower maximum pension benefits in order to fund the expansion of affordable, good quality childcare services? » Link Institute, Luzern, December 2019. - Copyright © © S. Borcard - N. Metraux - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
An apple and a view. Uni Zürich, December 2019. - An apple and a view. Uni Zürich, December 2019. - Copyright © BM PHOTOS Stephanie Borcard & Nicolas Metraux - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Lukas Haffert, 32, and Céline Colombo, 35, both postdocs, at work. Uni Zürich, December 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - The former MFO/ABB foundry complex houses today various companies and event spaces. In the middle is a suspended park whose structure matches the exact size of the foundry’s production hall. MFO/ABB Park, Zürich, January 2020. - Copyright © BM PHOTOS Stephanie Borcard & Nicolas Metraux - Zurich - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -