17 February 2022

Prof. Dr. Nicola Aceto

“My research combines molecular and computational biology, engineering, genetics and drug screens to better understand the underlying principles of cancer biology, aiming in particular at the identification of new therapies against the most aggressive forms of cancer.

 - The geometry of a microchip used for isolation of circulating tumor cells. Prof. Dr. Nicola Aceto collaborates with a ETH Department (D-BSSE) in Basel for the fabrication of microchips that can isolate metastatic tumor cells from blood samples. ETH (D-BSSE), November 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Prof. Dr. Nicola Aceto made a major discovery on how cancer spreads, identifying circulating tumor cell clusters as major mediators of metastasis in breast cancer. He and his team are now continuing their efforts to develop and test new treatment strategies for metastatic cancers. UNI Basel, December 2019. - Copyright © BM PHOTOS Stephanie Borcard & Nicolas Metraux - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Circulating tumor cell clusters isolated with a microchip from the blood of a cancer patient and imaged with a microscope. UNI Basel, November 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Advanced microscopy equipment at the Department of Biomedicine of the University of Basel. UNI Basel, November 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - A high-content imaging system is analyzing human circulating tumor cells. UNI Basel, November 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Microsystems engineer André Kling, working in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Petra Dittrich (ETH, D-BSSE) to produce the microchips used by Prof. Aceto and his team. The fabrication process requires a cleanroom facility with a yellow non-UV light environment. ETH (D-BSSE), December 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Light-tight curtains in the high-tech microscopy facility of the Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel. UNI Basel, December 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Highly controlled environments are used for research with animal models. These are key to identify future treatment opportunities for patients with cancer. UNI Basel, December 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Karin Strittmatter, technical associate, collaborates with Prof. Aceto since one year. Here she is working on cultures of human circulating tumor cells. UNI Basel, November 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Histological sections of metastasis-affected tissues. These will be carefully analyzed to gain further insights into the biology of metastatic cells. UNI Basel, November 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - Dr. Zoi Diamantopoulou, postdoctoral fellow, performing staining of metastatic cancer cells. UNI Basel, November 2019. - Copyright © BM PHOTOS Stephanie Borcard & Nicolas Metraux - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -
 - An INOX door, providing entry to a cold room at the Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel. UNI Basel, November 2019. - Copyright © Stéphanie Borcard & Nicolas Métraux / BM PHOTOS - Basel - Canton de Zurich - Suisse -